ECHE 2021-2027

Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)

Erasmus activities included in EPS

Erasmus Key Action 1 (KA1) - Learning mobility:
The mobility of higher education students and staff
Erasmus Key Action 2 (KA2) - Cooperation among organisations and institutions:
Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices 
Partnerships for Excellence – European Universities 
Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
Partnerships for Innovation  
Erasmus Key Action 3 (KA3) - Support to policy development and cooperation


Erasmus Policy Statement strategy

We live in a global world. Thus, higher education institutions need to be global. Higher education institutions play a crucial role not only in training graduates with the skills and competences necessary to live and work in this reality, but also in providing Europe with highly qualified human capital.

ISLA Santarém's strategic plan defines the bet on internationalization and modernization as one of its strategic objectives. To achieve the goals defined in this plan, ISLA Santarém proposes to achieve a series of objectives through a variety of actions, based on the existing inter institutional agreements and establishing new strategic partnerships with higher education institutions and companies in EU countries and outside the EU.

ECHE is a privileged tool in achieving ISLA Santarém's strategy since it will enable us to achieve the following strategic objectives:

  • Develop the mobility of students, teachers and staff. To implement this policy, concrete actions will be increased aiming at:

(1) expanding the number of bilateral partnerships for mobility (ERASMUS +);

(2) expanding the number of partnerships and participation in international projects;

(3) actively promoting the mobility of students and teachers;

(4) create financial incentives that support mobile students.

  • Extend cooperation on projects. The internationalization process of ISLA Santarém involves developing partnerships that allow it to integrate consortia and partnerships for the development of projects, namely at the level of key actions 2 (KA2):

(1) Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices 

(2) Partnerships for Excellence – European Universities 

(3) Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

(4) Partnerships for Innovation 

  • Extend international scientific cooperation. The internationalization process also involves the institution's involvement in networks and cooperation groups, especially in terms of cooperation projects with institutions belonging to the countries of the European space. To this end, the following concrete actions will be developed:

(1) increase the protocols for participation in research networks;

(2) expand participation in international projects.

 Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) 2021-2027


 Erasmus Charter 2021-2027 (ECHE)